What is Fast?
FAST is a Fulton County Public Charter School offering grades K-8. Our objective is to provide an education based on design thinking and problem-solving with an emphasis on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to children in our diverse community. Click to read our Charter Contract.
The Governing Board of Fulton Academy of Science and Technology includes parents and other supporters of FAST and STEM Education. The governing board is fully accountable to the school community, Fulton County Schools, and GADOE.
The internal administration includes the Principal, Assistant Principal for grades kindergarten through fifth, Assistant Principal for grades sixth through eighth, Chief Business Officer, Dean of Students, and Technology Coordinator.
Who can attend FAST?
To be eligible, a student must reside in Fulton County, outside of the Atlanta city limits, and must meet the minimum age and other requirements to attend a traditional Fulton County public school. FAST does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, religion, or disability.
How do I apply?
The application process begins in January. The lottery takes place in February. Students who are not selected in the lottery due to space limitations will be placed on a waiting list and may be notified at any time before the tenth day of school if there is an opening. Students applying after the February lottery will be placed on the waitlist in the order they apply. Once accepted, please note certain documents will need to be presented in person to complete the registration process.
How big is FAST?
FAST has approximately 600 students in grades K-8. The average class size is 24 students.
Why do parents choose FAST?
Parents know that a STEM based education is a requirement for future success. The school concept for FAST goes beyond STEM. FAST students have an additional four hours of school each week for a class called Innovation where students invent and build using design thinking principles from Stanford. FAST students take computer science and learn coding starting in kindergarten. FAST students learn by doing team-based projects which mimic the real world of work. FAST uses innovative curriculum such as Singapore Math and FOSS Science. The innovative concepts that FAST offers are above and beyond what is offered in traditional public schools. FAST feels these are the key differentiators that will define the future success of our students.
Is FAST a private school?
No. FAST is a public school that is free-of-charge for all of its students. FAST operates under a state- and county-sponsored charter that defines certain operational and curriculum parameters. It is therefore called a “charter school”. The charter was written by a pioneering group of parents who wanted their students to get more science, technology, engineering and math skills in 2015. FAST operates under the leadership of Principal Mary H Miller who reports to the Governing Board. The school is required to follow all guidelines outlined by Fulton County Schools and the Georgia Department of Education.
Who pays for FAST to operate?
Our Charter agreement with Fulton County Schools and the Georgia Department of Education provides funding as determined by a funding formula that may be found here. Note that charter schools do not receive any funding toward facility costs while regular public schools do have their facilities paid for by the state and county. To be able to afford our programs, charter schools must operate very efficiently.
When is the school day?
School begins at 7:40 AM and dismisses 3:20pm Monday- Thursday. Every Friday dismissal is 2:20pm. Morning carpool begins at 7:10 and afternoon carpool ends at approximately 3:45pm (MTWTh), and at 2:55pm (F).
Do students wear uniforms?
FAST students wear uniforms from Lands End. Students may also purchase spirit wear through the PTO. The uniform policy can be found in the Parent-Student Handbook, pgs 27-30.
Is there a Parent Teacher Organization?
FAST has an active PTO focused on the areas of Academic Enrichment, Community Outreach, School Support, Membership/Fundraising, Marketing/Technology, and Events. Highlights include Fall Festival, International Night, Book Fair, Health Fair, and Red Ribbon Week.
Does FAST offer bus transportation?
Fulton County provides two buses to FAST. Students may apply through a lottery system for a seat on the bus. Several paid services have small shuttles that come to school in the afternoon. Many families carpool to FAST. Visit our webpage to learn about transportation and dismissal options
Curricula & Unique Programs
What Academics are offered at FAST?
Science – FAST uses Full Option Science System (FOSS), a research-based science curriculum that combines scientific knowledge with active hands-on learning.
Math – FAST uses Singapore Math (K-8) and Eureka Math (9th-grade Algebra and above).
Literacy – FAST uses programs such as Wit & Wisdom to teach reading, writing, and language arts.
Social Studies – The Harcourt Mifflin My World curriculum is used in conjunction with current event discussions in the upper grades.
Specials and Fine Arts – FAST offers weekly Music, Art, PE/Health, and Computer Science classes to all students. Middle school students have daily Coding classes and 7th and 8th graders have the option to take Spanish.
For more information on Kindergarten through fourth-grade curricula, please reach out to Assistant Principal Anesha James at anesha.james@fastk8.org.
For more information on sixth through eighth-grade curricula, please reach out to Assistant Principal Demetria Walker at demetria.walker@fastk8.org
What is the Innovation Hour at FAST?
FAST is a STEM school with a focus on design thinking. Our students have 4 hours per every 6 days of innovation time. During this time, through the Engineering Design Process, our students ask questions, imagine solutions, plan, create, and improve upon their solution. They are encouraged to think creatively and given the freedom to fail. Then they start the process again.
Does FAST have any academic teams?
FAST offers several academic teams including LEGO Robotics, Science Olympiad, Math Olympiad, Tech Fair, Spelling Bee, and Geography Bee.
Does FAST have TAG classes?
FAST has a TAG program for K-5 students and offers TAG Science and Social Studies for grades 6-8. Please read our Parent Information page and our Screening and Referral page to learn more.
Does FAST offer any additional student services?
FAST offers ESOL, RTI, EIP, Special Education, as well as speech and occupational therapy classes. We also have two full-time counselors and on-site clinic nurse.
FAST-Specific Information
Does FAST offer extended care?
Yes, FAST offers ASPire After School Extended Care until 6:30pm. ASPire tuition varies from $150 per week to $380 per week for one child, with a discount given for additional children.
Does FAST offer after school activities?
Through outside vendors, ASPire offers several after school enrichment clubs including Discover Science Steam Club, Accela Education Art, Chess Atlanta, Kalashramusa Indian Classical Dance, Starstruck Performing Arts, and Fashion Workshops Sew Plush.
Does FAST serve school lunches?
Ordo caters a hot, nutritious lunch service each day. Parents order directly from their website.
Do the students have recess?
Grades K-3 have organic, unscheduled recess twice per day, about 15 minutes each break. Middle school students have a scheduled 30 minute recess per day at lunchtime.
Do the lower grades have paraprofessionals?
Yes, grades K-5 have paraprofessionals. Each kindergarten class has a designated paraprofessional. Grades 1-5 have a paraprofessional per grade.
Do the students take field trips?
Students in all grades have at least one off-campus field trip per semester. Students in 5th and 8th grades are offered an optional overnight field trip during the spring semester. In the past overnight trips included Chattanooga, Space Camp, and Nature’s Academy.
What about Standardized testing?
FAST administers the annual Georgia Milestones test in grades 3-8. FAST uses internal MAP testing three times per year to assist with student instruction, growth, and class placement.