Where Art and Science Intersect
Leonardo da Vinci was an enlightened artist and a brilliant engineer. Samuel Morse, of telegraph and Morse code fame, spent much of his life as a painter. Einstein played the violin for seven decades and used it when he became stuck in his thinking process. According to a National Science Foundation workshop on the Creative Arts there are multiple points of likely connection between the arts and language, math, and science education. It is part of FAST’s mission to develop children to be creative problem solvers and innovators – the creativity fostered in the arts will extend into creativity in math, science and engineering.

Music is a unique form of communication and expression that students can develop to better understand the world around them. In music class at FAST students learn a variety of skills that overlap with STEM themes including identifying, decoding, and interpreting symbols. The structure of music also allows students to begin to think with increased complexity and creativity and engage more fully in the design thinking process. In addition to other resources, FAST utilizes Quavers Beyond Marvelous Music Curriculum® for K-5th grade. This program also contains STEM integrated components such as how sound works and how instruments produce sounds.
At FAST students have the opportunity to participate in projects that involve drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, mix-media, technology, and graphic design. FAST cross curricular approach allows students to use skills. STEM themes are a large part of our art curriculum. In fine arts students learn to experiment and take risks to investigate multiple solutions to a problem and reflect upon their work to inform their process. Art also allows students to engage differently with assignments and use their knowledge to create art that focuses on personal choice making and quality.
Physical education at FAST is developed to help students develop their skills and confidence to enjoy a healthy lifestyle that includes the importance of regular exercise, healthy eating habits, and understanding mental and physical health. STEM themes are a part of our FAST PE program as students are encouraged to question, analyze, communicate, and apply their gross motor and cognitive skills helping them develop a wider view of the world around them through physician learning activities.
For the students of FAST, the arts give them valuable experiences in providing the opportunity to experience trial and error in a different and more comfortable way. It may sound counter-intuitive, but children need to learn how to fail, how to re-think the process and try again. Arts education provides these types of opportunities in a low-stress environment. It is part of FAST’s mission to develop children to be creative problem solvers and innovators – the place where art and science intersect.